Thursday, April 9, 2009



I'm glued to the sports tube all day. So it's tough when I hear that a baseball player suddenly dies. And what is equally as sad is the fact that 2 other people died along with the major league player. It's really amazing. It happened in one split second of life. Their car had to be at the exact intersection that a drunk driver just happened to be speeding through last night. It seems totally random. The timing has to be perfect. 2 seconds would have made a difference and that what makes it particularly scary. Two seconds before or two seconds later and those cars would have not collided. He was 22. I'm double that age. I don't know why I get to be so lucky. I assume there may be some purpose but I'm not really sure.


So watch Field of Dreams if you wish. It's a great family movie starring Kevin Costner and young Ray Liotta and James Earl Jones. But before you me a favor. Read all about "Shoeless Joe Jackson". I really believe that there is a time in life that we might considering re-visiting the facts. We certainly do that in big court cases.....old murder cases...what have you. This country has a long history of a faulty court decisions, crooked lawyers, politicians seeking fame and those trying to make a name of themselves. Joe Jackson deserves another hearing and I think it's about time we give it to him.


I will be conducting a symphony in May. It is by an American composer. A very famous composer. His name is Philip Glass and he is one of the most prolific American composers of the 20th century. I repeated my title above because Mr. Glass basis much of his music on additive repetition. But here is the cool moment of the week. I received an e-mail from one of his "people" telling me that I may in fact be conducting the first ever west coast performance of this work. How is that possible? Maybe there is still some purpose for me to be around and doing this whole conducting thing. You never know, do ya?


My new neighbor. Whoever it is has a dog. The dog has barked for 2 hours straight the past 10 days. I filed my second complaint today after the dog decided to bark from 5:40 a.m. to 6;30 a.m. Thank you for the wake up call. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I may be moving soon and I won't be happy about it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009



I don't think it's fair that Dr. Jerry Punch gets to be a sports broadcaster after spending years in the medical profession. I want to know how to make the switch. Jerry had an unfair advantage - he worked in the medical side of things - I believe for Nascar and somehow transitioned into a broadcasting role. No fair. How can I parlay my talents performing and conducting into a career in baseball statistics. I still don't think it's too late but I'm still trying to figure out how and when to make the move.


Listen - forget the Eddie Murphey movie. Go back to the original - the one starring Rex Harrison. Great movie for kids and if you want to free yourself up for a few hours...or even spend it watching with the kids, this is a great movie. And can you believe the movie is 2 1/2 hours long???? What happened over the past 10 years that kids movies needed to be reduced to an hour and 15 minutes max? I don't think the attention span of kids is as short as we adults seem to think. Just right a good freakin movie for once and the kids will be glued to hit for hours.


No not me you bone head. There really is a Dr. John...use to see him perform on SNL with the great Leon Redbone. I have no idea why I'm writing about him. He just popped into my head. I was going to write my own name Dr. R..... but instead typed Dr. John and wouldn't you know it, I have a whole new topic. I'm sure you can find Dr. John on youtube.....great guy....blusey, jazzy, rock n' roll. Lot's of fun. But I'm a classical guy so let me give you a "must listent to" for the day. Let's see, I'm thinking of a classical composer whose name begins with John....wait.....wait....ok, go buy the soundtrack to the "Red Violin". It won the Oscar a few years ago. John Corigliano is one of the most important composers currently working in the U.S. and his music is well worth giving a listen.


My Doctor. I will not disclose any personal information on my doctor's visit this week except to say that I went in for what I would consider to be a fairly serious issue. At one point my Doctor said...."ok, well it doesn't look like you're having any blah blah blah blah and so we'll run tests. I really don't think it's anything, so we'll get the tests done to check for sure". BUT WAIT....TIME OUT!!! That comment stuck in my head "I don't think it's anything". Well I've got word for you. It's something....otherwise I would not have wasted by Tuesday morning to come see you. Trust's something....maybe it's not big...maybe it's not dangerous, but it is certainly not nothing.

Monday, April 6, 2009



Ok - I'm very excited after a long weekend of work that I get to sit around watching Major League Baseball Opening Day plus the National Championship Basketball game tonight between Michigan State and North Carolina. I have my buddy to watch the games with - my 13 year old son, who is the only other person I know at this time that understands my world of classical music and is a complete sports nut like me. This sports viewing is so different from what I did all weekend.....high pressure world of classical music performance in front of a packed house in an international competition. No wonder why my personality is either way up or way job and hobbies seem to dictate my intensity, relaxation and overall mood.


Oh - I don't know. I just got back into town....must I review a movie? I know, I know...I'm always complaining about the movie part of the blog. How about Eve's Bayou. Yeah - GREAT movie. Not for the kids but a great film. No more to say...moving on for right now.


I'm one person who always said that a Chopin Concerto could not beat a Rachmaninoff Concerto in a competition - especially an international competition. It happened this weekend. From the first rehearsal I felt this could happen. I very much in tune with the sound coming out of a piano. I could tell two years ago, the second that the 12 year old Colton Peltier touched the keys that there was something special about the sound. I felt the same this weekend. The Rachmaninoff is a demanding technical showpiece but it is the lyrical quality and beauty of tone that may have ultimately separated the two pianists. I'm not sure what the judges discussed but there was something special about the winners tone production, phrasing of every single note and understanding of the piece. It was something extraordinary and this is what put her on top. It was a special performance and if not for the orchestra being very in touch with the pianists touch and tone production I'm not sure she would have carried it off. My orchestra members were very aware of what was happening and their adjustments in volume and color during the performance made that 30 minutes on Sunday very special. I thank the pianists and orchestra members for a memorable afternoon.


When I buy my groceries must I really answer the questions "Would you like to donate to the disabled"....or "Would you like to donate to Easter Seals"? Here is my problem. I want to buy groceries. If I have money to donate to charities, I will find the charity and donate...or you can send me a letter in the mail requesting a donation. Why must I be made to feel like an asshole for saying "no thanks". I know it's not the fault of the's their job. Why don't these multi GODZILLION dollar food chains donate a few million and stop trying to nickel and dime you and me? From now on I'm going to choose my shopping locations based on who lets me shop and leave without asking me if I want to donate....or if I want to have a credit card for the store...or if I'd like fries with that.