Wednesday, April 15, 2009



So this is the sports part but ya know what? I've been working every minute of the day - I feel like I have almost nothing to offer all you loyal fans. Look at me - 10:36 at night and just turning on ESPN - I have no freaking clue what has been going on in sports all day - I feel completely lost. Do you think that's strange. I go through my days wondering what I missing in the sports world and I feel I've been ripped off when I get home this late and have no clue. Did I miss a no hitter? Did I miss a 4 home run game? Ooohh...lookie - someone hit for the cycle. Ya know what the cycle is all you non-sports fans? It is when a player gets a single, double, triple and home run all in the same game. The average batter only bats 4 times per game so this is quite a quirky feat. Anyway - I hope you now know more than you knew before you started reading this, on to the next part.....


Listen - if you even like Dinero a little bit, rent Taxi Driver and enjoy a very young Robert Dinero at the start of his career. Sort of dark intense movie but what I found particularly humorous as I watched it on cable the other night was the soundtrack - very goofy 1970's style cop drama music. It wasn't even like a movie was truly the soundtrack of the time. I felt like I was watching 1970's episode of Magnum PI (wait - that was the 80's I think)...ok Baretta?????


I was conducting a little Bernstein today and I will simply say screw all of you that believe he is in someway a second rate composer. Berstein draws his inspiration from music of his country. That is jazz and music imported from other cultures, especially latin cultures. Why is Mozart's music any more important? Mozart drew on simple dance styles and popular music of his time just as Bernstein does. But wait - we are American's and classical music is a high brow European Art Form. How dare we walk on the sacred ground of the European giants. Well I got news for ya. Almost everyone in any audience I've ever been part of, loves the music of Bernstein just as much as they love Gershwin or Copland. Bernstein picked up right where Gerhswin left off but no one will give him credit for that as a composer. It will happen. It may take another 50 years but it will happen. Lenny, you were one of the great music educators of all time and certainly one of the most inspirational conductors. You will get your due as a composer because there is no other composer that sounds quite like you do.


My gripe of the day concern the guy that is standing next to you in public having a loud conversation with a friend but continuously looking at you to try to get you involved in the conversation. So, to the guy in Starbucks this morning - I'm sure that your life is highly entertaining and to be honest, you're story sounded remotely interesting but I really don't want to talk to you first thing in the morning. As a matter of fact, I don't want to talk to anyone first thing in the morning so stop looking at me. Ok - look once, and if I seem to be ignoring you or disinterested stop peaking at me to try to get me wrapped up in your world. No thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, man, I'd give a left nut to play West Side Story again, even if after a three-week run I was nearly suicidal from depression. Or Copland, pretty much anything. Or something by Bernstein that doesn't get played as much. Or Ives, even. Man. Yeah.
