Wednesday, March 25, 2009



You'll never here this from me again. I'm so tired after a long day that I'm even having trouble turning on sports center right now. I have no idea what happened today in the world of sports. That is completely insane. I should never be put into such a positions. There must be a way to reserve 4-6 hours out of every day for the remainder of my life in order that I can enjoy my greatest hobby....sports viewing. I feel like I'm letting town those 10's or thousands who log onto this thought provoking blog every day in order to take just one sip of the wealth of sports trivia that houses itself in my brain (just to the left of the part that remember my first sentence in Spanish class: "Esta Susana en Casa?". Sorry. Sports will return tomorrow.


Don't know why, but a movie always pops into my head. I never log onto this blog with a particularly movie in mind. I start typing (clocked at 90 WPM last check, thank you very much), and out comes Dustin Hoffman being "worn down" in the Academy Award winning Kramer vs. Kramer. What a great movie. Yeah, there's something no name actress named Meryl Streep in there. She's ok and all, but once you get over her it really does turn out to be a classic. Oh, come on know I love ya. As a matter of fact I just may make next week Meryl Streep week on my movie blog.


Six piano concerti is a lot of music for an orchestra to have to learn. And the amount of stress it can cause a conductor is quite noteworthy. And so it is without further delay that I hereby shun all piano concerti and recommend the spectacular, gorgeous and outright odd Harmonica Concerto of Hector Villa Lobos. Yes, the harmonica concerto. OK - it may be impossible to find and even harder to find someone to play it but you know, it's really quite amazing what a virtuoso can do on that instrument. Wow....I'm exhausted to the point of writing about harmonica concerti. What next, the famous Johann Sebastion Hinkelmeister's "Hurdy Gurdy, Zither, and Dulimer Triple Concerto". I'm tired.


People that don't like the fact that other people are perfectionists. "oooh...he's such a perfectionist"......"yeah, he's nice and all, but what a pain...he's such a perfectionist". Hate to announce this on my blog. But if not for perfectionists we wouldn't have some of the great art works, musical works and literary works that we have today. Not many of the works were conceived and executed by average people doing and average job. So you go ahead and keep being average. I suppose that's the way to live a more comfortable life. Sometimes perfectionism is not a choice. It is often an inborn trait...a part of our personality, possibly even our genetic makeup. I'm sure perfectionism can lead to bad things from time to time but I'm pretty certain it cannot lead to as many bad things as being a no-standards, non-motivated lazy ass. Good night.

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