Saturday, March 28, 2009



Ya know - if I knew who was logging onto this site...whether there were more sports fans, movies fans, music fans...I would make the needed adjustments and give the public what they want. But I don't, so I get to keep doing what I want. So I was just thinking how sad I feel when an NCAA basketball player makes it to the final four and his family members are unable to get the money together to see him perform in the finals live because he is an inner city kid and his family has no money. I always felt that the university should pay for the family to be there; after all, the university makes millions on these events. So I just changed my mind. No university would ever pay for my parents to come see me perform at a major international venue as a musician just because my family didn't have the money to attend. I say treat the athlete like any other college student. You're probably getting your tuition paid....oh, and by the way, in addition to getting your tuition paid, you get to go play ball for 4-5 hours a day.....oh, and wait....sometimes you can get a counselor or tutor to actually take tests for you. Oh, and your parents can watch the game on TV very much unlike my performances as a musician. I think that's plenty, thank you.


In case you missed this one a few years ago, the Motorcycle Diaries is a nice independent film touching on episodes in the life of Che Guevara. I just heard that there is a 2 part epic out in theaters that really goes into more detail on Che's life and I plan on seeing it. Che led quite a fascinating life and was a true independent spirit and this film focuses on more of his early life....teenage through early adult years. It's a beautiful film and it is highly recommended.


Last night a new work...a ballet by Martha Graham with music by American Aaron Copland was premiered. It is called "Appalachian Spring" and every second of it
exquisitely captures all things American from the vastness of our land and beauty of our nature to the vitality of rural life and the personality of its people. Copland once again supplies us with open harmony - 5ths, 4ths....stacked on top of one another, which at times obscures key center but also give the music a feeling of openness and anticipation. Copland's ability to write music that craves the partner of human movement undoubtedly puts him in line with the greatest of ballet composer, from Lully to Tchaikovsky to Stravinsky. However, like all great composers, it is the sound that sets one apart. Copland has his own. It is in his orchestration, it is in his harmony, it is in his underlying optimism and feelings towards the nature of this country that have allowed him to rise above many others. In 100 years when someone asks.....What is America? Who are the people that have defined America? Some may say Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and others but in the art world their may be no match to the name Aaron Copland.


This is a gripe gone reverse. I use to complain that Wal-mart was trying to be all things to all people and putting others out of business. Then I couldn't understand why McDonald's needed to sell Starbucks style coffee to try to take people away from Starbucks. Then I complained that Starbucks added breakfast sandwiches to try to get back at McDonalds. (not sure of the order of when each of these occurred but I did find it humerous) So I'm not griping any more. I live in L.A. .....we drive a lot. From now on, I'm interested in one stop only in the morning. I want my mocha and the food of my choice and I'm happy that both Starbucks and McDonalds can satisfy me. However, I did need black shoe polish on the way into work the other day and wonder if Starbucks and McDonalds wouldn't consider a little area called "things that people might need on the way to work because they forgot" as part of their marketing and sales know, show polish, one a day vitamins, mouthwash, deodorant, sun glasses, umbrellas, floss, eye liner for the ladies, crossword puzzle books for the kids. How about it?


  1. Did you write that review of Copland's new work back in 1944? You are older than I thought....or maybe I'm confused.

  2. I always loved how Copland captured the "nature" or "essence" of America. You can smell the dirt and taste the sweat from the frontier in his composition. Pastoral, dark, celebratory, and full of reverence.

  3. Blake - I like to play make believe - like the write reviews as though I was there. Makes the page more interesting.

    Thanks Booster - very nice comment.
