Sunday, March 29, 2009



This is a 3 part blog - 1st sports, then movies, then music. All your infotainment in one tightly wrapped package. It's late and today's blog will be a bit brief. (I know - that's what I always say) So for my sport of the day I've chosen Poker. Ok - it's not a's a game. I'll only address the people that wonder why and how people could get so attached to it. It's as simple as this - it's a rare game that combines advanced mathematical skills, psychology and completely unpredictable chance. Now once you get the first two mastered you set yourself up to have a better chance once you hit those moments of chance. It's as simple as can think it through but there are simply not that many games out there that combine a high skill level with what some would consider total luck.


Spellbound was a documentary that followed a number of very intelligent little kids in their pursuit to win the Scripts National Spelling Bee. I can sum this one up easily: The exciting thing about the movie was the simple fact that these kids came from so many different walks or life, locations, and unbringings. It shows that the most talented kid can come from anywhere and what makes this kid talented is not easily predictable. I would even recommend this one for those of you with kids. All the kids in the movie are wonderful, and whether you think their parents are pushy and drive them or not, all the parents deeply love their kids and you can see that in the movie.


I guess my mom missed me once I left for college and thoughout her last years. She died just prior to a full week of dress rehearsals and performances I had for an opera I was conducting. I flew to the funeral and left the next day to get back for my performance. It was difficult to do this as I had to leave my brother and sister in NY and not even help clean out my mom's apartment. However, after the funeral we went back to her place and I found a stack of CD's - all Chopin piano music. It seemed that almost all I played growing up was Chopin. She loved it and I know how much she missed my playing. She even sold my piano within a year of when I moved out to help me out with money for college. I wonder how she felt the day the piano was moved out. I'll never know now. One thing I do know - everyone needs to own a few Chopin recordings. I would highly recommend the Ballads and the Scherzos as these are some of his greatest solo works.


The complete asshole coach who pulled his son (the catcher) out of the baseball game today in the middle of an inning after the kid made 3 errors. I was coaching for the opposite team. That was simply the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Asshole, asshole, asshole. How in the hell could this possibly be a good lesson for a 14 year old? A pitcher having problems on the mound is one thing but to pull a position player out of a game in the middle of an inning has got to be one of the most humiliating things you can ever do to a player. Not only that, but this guy actually rags on his son from the first base coaching box while the kid is trying to hit: "oh....that's a great swing....just great"........"keep doing that, that will work". Oh - I'm sorry - let me be more clear: Chatsworth Junior Baseball League Junior Giants. Asshole.

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